The third set of 2nd Generation 1:100 horses are casted and available.
Trotting light cavalry horses.

Some dolls for future sets: Early Hungarian Grenadier, Early British Light Infantry, Early French Grenadier.
The third set of 2nd Generation 1:100 horses are sculpted.
Trotting light cavalry horses.
Now these horses will get final beauty treatment and then will be moulded.

The height difference:
HH - Heavy horse with heavy trooper doll.
LL - Light horse with light trooper doll.
LH - Light horse with heavy trooper doll.

Frontal view.
Revolutionary French Mass Army troops released.
Suvorov in Italy 1799 released.
Second set of 2nd Generation 1:100 horses are casted.
Standing-walking line cavalry horses with long tails.
Now new horses and riders will be sold separately, you may choose horses you desire for your troopers.
Next set will be trotting light cavalry horses.
First figure from never ending French Revolution Commanders line is available.
First set of 2nd Generation 1:100 horses are casted.
Standing-walking line cavalry horses with docked tails.
Next set will be with the same horses but with long tails.
Price for new horses are determined by their average weight - 1.60 EUR per horse.
Set of Guard Cossacks got horses at last, all figures are resculpted to fit with new horses and have new lances.
All figures can now purchase separately and new Black Sea Sotnya Trooper is added.
Also with new horses are now equipped Prussian Towarczys, Krakuzens and French Eclaireurs sets.
French Revolutionary line officer and 10mm horses are also moulded and casted, but not available yet.
My efforts to create special form of mould for figures with straight pikes/pontoons failed.
I can use this mould form for masters but not for production.
So for Suvorov Command set I must use my usual way of casting - with bended pikes.